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Eros Money Power

Mar 22, 2020

LISTEN FOR FULL RESOURCES ON MY BLOG: This week’s podcast is repurposed from a Facebook live I did earlier this weekend in my private erotic play group for womxn, Reclaiming Your Eroticism. If you’re currently isolating or “staying in” due to COVID-19, then you might be noticing some blocks or shadows seductively revealing themselves in your sex life or relationship — even with yourself. Maybe you and your partner are fighting more. Maybe there’s tension in the air…and not the erotic kind. Maybe you’re kind of scared about being stuck alone with your lover for who knows how long, especially if you feel like you’ve been hiding your eroticism from one another in subtle ways. Or you’ve been wearing masks, putting guards and walls up or so used to playing certain roles like “good girl” or “people pleaser.” Now is the time to excavate, confront and eroticize these blocks and shadows coming up in your sex life and relationship. Even if it’s just with yourself. In today’s episode we’ll explore how to navigate any potential blocks coming up in your sex life and love life right now. I constantly use these tools to go from fighting to fucking with my lover and partner of four years, Andy. We can turn distance, tension, anxiety or fights into intimacy, erotic connection, the sexy kind of tension and red-hot lovemaking. Check out the STAYING IN & STAYING SEXY SALE: Sign up for my 4-Part Reclaiming Your Eroticism Video Series: I’d love for you to SUBSCRIBE on iTunes and leave me a review — it will help the podcast get out. Subscribe on iTunes:…st/id1085118625 Connect with me on Instagram: Join my Private FB group for womxn only: